Discussion threads not updating correctly
Published on August 31, 2005 By Chris TH In Object Desktop
Running SDC 2.10.343 Build 95

Upon starting SDC and logging into discussions all messages in the thread are accessible OK. Once SDC has been runnig for a bit and the auto update shows updated threads, the new messages are not displayed even though the 'Replies' count is updated and the thread title changed to the 'unread' (bold) state.

Resetting the list has no effect. Only closing SDC and restarting it seems to update the messages within the thread.

Anyone else seeing these issues?

on Aug 31, 2005
I'm impatient..gave up waiting on the auto update...reset..saw what you mean, thread i had been on updated to 15 comments, but only 13 showed.
on Sep 01, 2005
It started doing that months ago, about the time the new site went online. I mentioned it a couple of times, but no one else seemed to be experiencing the problem, so I gave up trying to use SDC for discussions. I've tried it a few times since, and it's always the same.....
on Sep 01, 2005
Yes, I've had the same problem, but it seemed to start when I changed IE's cache settings for checking for newer versions of stored pages from Every Visit to Automatically.
on Sep 01, 2005
Spot on Tarkus!

Mine was on 'Automatic' & I changed it to 'Every Visit' & it's come good.

Well spotted, thanks!

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