Long delay in workstation logon
This one is really stumping me...
I run a laptop with XP Pro. Up until a few months ago it's only ever been connected to workgroup LAN environments. Then at work we installed a Win2003 server machine (to run some special business software) - it is NOT configured as a domain controller - i.e the workgroup environment is unchanged.
Since that time, my login takes anywhere up to 1.5 minutes regardless of whether it's connected to the LAN or not.
I verified this using Microsoft BootVis. From the outside it looks like the LAN adapters are taking a looong time to come up i.e for their icons to appear in the taskbar.
Every now & then, however, it comes good (usually when the machine is offline) but reverts to the bad behaviour when it gets back on the LAN contianing the Win2003 server. This is usually associated with a registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\LeakTrack)
toggling from 1 to 0. I can't find *any* net info on this registry key (via Google anyway).
My normal login (my name) has admin rights, but if I login as 'Adminsitrator' then the problem does not occur.
I'd be really pleased to hear from anyone that's got a clue as to how to fix this.